Within the framework of our project, we are publishing a multimedia archive and an exhibition in Berlin that deals with the different narratives and questions around the topic of remembering the Second World War. We have already collected a number of contributions for this, you can find them in the Media Archive. It is important to us to show different methodologies and approaches. By now, we have a Brochure, soundscapes, educational video games, Texts about the war against Ukraine and audio contributions.

We had an open call for people, who were ready to create and then present their projects at our exhibition.

The created exhibits are focused mainly on these 5 main topics:

  • Remembrance of the victims of the Porajmos
  • Remembrance of people with disabilities
  • Jewish remembrance culture
  • Queer remembrance culture
  • Current historical narratives used in different regions to make politics.

We invite you to visit the exhibition and learn together with us about memory work during various workshops that will take place on the venue.

Place: Berlin, Museum des Kapitalismus

Time: 1st December (opening) until 13th January